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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Swiss Trip with photos

I got the Swiss Pass (http://www.swiss-pass.ch/en/swiss-pass) for the entire 8 days, so it was roughly worth it. I guess I could have been more aggressive, but it was good enough imo. In short, Switzerland is just one beautiful scenery after another. There is not so much art or architectural culture in its major cities. In most town, you can finish the old town walking tour within 1 hour. The one hour Lausanne I did in 40 min, Montreux in 20 min.

Geneve: https://plus.google.com/photos/113880069774612153445/albums/5877897410170670721?authkey=CJn8jtSX9c2wOw 
UN in Geneve: https://plus.google.com/photos/113880069774612153445/albums/5878122983430667777?authkey=CJzjouKd2YrXvAE

Interlaken: https://plus.google.com/photos/113880069774612153445/albums/5876066103317006689?authkey=CLiqsLj36viLYA
I highly recommend visiting Interlaken. I only spent half a day there, but it's totally worth it to spend more time to visit Jungfrau. There is a very sophisticated rail network around the region to visit different peaks. (www.jungfrau.ch)

Glacier Express (from Brig to Samedan): https://plus.google.com/photos/113880069774612153445/albums/5878120396710762257?authkey=CKS7x6rlp5-92QE
I took the Glacier Express. However I would choose to take the regular train if I am to go again. The food was better than the regular trains since it's got a real kitchen onboard. The food was not so delicately prepared for its price. I guess it's still hard to cook on a rocking train. The seats were very crammed. Felt like sitting on a plane. It's very hard to take good photos with all the reflection from inside the train. The scenery was beautiful. We took regular train back. It was the same route and the indoor reflection is less.

St. Moritz: https://plus.google.com/photos/113880069774612153445/albums/5878128013121870529?authkey=CNr5sYOs2uvZ6gE
It was a lucky coincidence that we stayed at Samedan instead of St. Moritz. The two towns were just 2.7 CHF/15 min away. St. Moritz is just too touristy while Samedan is still small and quiet. You can see the star on top of the church from far away.

Zurich: https://plus.google.com/photos/113880069774612153445/albums/5878129696299951713?authkey=CMW1obKGu-XetAE

Lausanne, Montreux, Chateau de Chillon and Vevey: https://plus.google.com/photos/113880069774612153445/albums/5878132866858646081?authkey=CLP0q5LhtN3fZg
I took the train from Geneve to Lausanne (about 40 min), took the boat from Lausanne to Montreux (about 1.5 hour), walked from Montreux to Chillon, then took the boat from Chillon to Vevey (about 30 min), and finally took the train from Vevey to Geneve (about 1 hour). I would say that you skip Montreux altogether. Montreux is too touristy with all the resorts and casino. The beautiful flower bank along the lake is only for the first 10 min of the 45 min walk to Chateau de Chillon (altho I did the walk in 25 min). If you get off the boat at Montreux, you can wait for next boat to Chateau de Chillon or take the No.201 bus. There's a statue of Empress Sisi at Territet. You can hop off the bus to look at her and hop on the next one on route to Chillon. Chateau de Chillon is highly recommended. It's a complete castle with moat (natural moat!), walls, bastions and a keep. Vevey is a lovely small town with many interesting statues and if you got time, do take the funicular up to see the lake from high above. I'm guessing this is the highest easily accessible viewing point around the whole lake. You can get the boat schedule at: http://www.cgn.ch/en-gb/horaires/timetable.aspx

 (map from cgn.ch site)


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