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Thursday, January 02, 2014

Aalsmeer Flower Auction

Link to photos: https://plus.google.com/photos/113880069774612153445/albums/5964341363777353073?authkey=CKa5kfHL-OrTZg

Inside this the world's 4th largest building housed the world's largest Flower Auction. Flowers come here from all over the world to be auctioned and transported to their destinations. This place is just 30 min away from Schiphol. Here is a very good introductory video on what's happening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2CK2TatM_U

It's quite impressive to see, but I feel that the ticket is a bit pricey (6 euro) for what the "visit" really entails. You pay for the entrance, and then you just walk around on a catwalk and watch what's happening down below. Of course there are little signs here and there to give you some descriptions and explanations. There's really no other guide. I'd say the video link I posted was quite adequate. 

useful link: https://www.floraholland.com/en/about-floraholland/visit-the-flower-auction/aalsmeer/


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